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Unit 5 Assignment Going Global

Unit 5 Assignment Going Global

Q Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 5 Points: 100 Overview: Your company recently went through a global merger or acquisition in which at least one of the parties involved was from one of the following countries (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or Cuba). You need to create a PowerPoint presentation that you will present to the Board to describe the rationale behind the merger or acquisition. Instructions: • Identify if the merger or acquisition was vertical or horizontal in nature. • Compare and contrast some advantages and disadvantages to pursuing the merger as opposed to pursuing an association. • What are some of the social implications of doing business with this firm (human rights, social responsibility, and etcetera)? Requirements: • Create a PowerPoint presentation, at least 7-9 slides, not counting the title or reference slides. • Include at least 3 valid, credible resources, preferably from the Post University Library. • Include an introduction and conclusion slide. • Use APA formatting for citations, include in-text citations on slides. • Be creative! Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write. BUS411 – Business Policy Seminar Going Global Evaluation Rubric for Going Global Assignment CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary 0-11 points 12-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points Content Elements of the assignment are not addressed, poorly constructed, lacking critical thought, or difficult to evaluate. Slides somewhat address the elements of the assignment in though not in a clear manner, lacking some critical thinking and research. Slides generally address all elements of the assignment in a clear manner, showing evidence of critical thinking and research. Slides clearly address all elements of the assignment in a thorough and detailed manner. Critical thinking and research are apparent. Overall Organization Content is difficult to follow due to lack of logical structure or flow. Information flow is somewhat logical, may be difficult to follow and lack fluency. Information flow is generally logical and easy to follow but may lack fluency. Information is presented in a logical and interesting sequence that is easy to follow. Topics flow smoothly from one to another with appropriate transitions. Professionali sm Slides are unclear, overloaded, or lack a consistent design style. Slides and supporting notes are presented in a somewhat consistent manner but lack an effective design style, and inconsistencies are present. Slides and supporting notes are presented in a generally consistent and effective design style, though there are some inconsistencies present. Slides and supporting notes are presented in a consistently professional and effective manner. Template design, fonts, and colors enhance the presentation. Preparation and Development Slides demonstrate frequent errors of layout or Slides somewhat demonstrate a general Slides demonstrate general attention to Slides demonstrate consistent attention to lack of attention to detail in preparation. attention to detail in layout and titling. Important detail(s) may be missing. detail in layout and titling. detail in preparation. Information is presented in a relevant and original manner. 0-5 points 6-7 points 8 points 9-10 points Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format Writing is frequently difficult to understand because of several errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Word choice is sometimes inappropriate for an academic setting. Sentence structure is unclear. Writing is somewhat difficult to understand with errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Appropriate word choice is somewhat used for an academic setting. Sentence structure is somewhat clear. Writing is easy to understand despite minor errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Appropriate word choice is used for an academic setting. Sentence structure is mostly clear. Writing is free of almost all punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors. Appropriate word choice is used for an academic setting. Sentence structure is clear. References No academic references present, or reference formatting has significant errors. One academic reference present but errors in formatting. Two academic references present but may have a few errors in formatting. Three or more academic references are present and formatted properly.

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Slide 1: Title Slide Slide 2: There can be merger as well as acquisition done by trying to do something positive for the organizations concerned. This is because there can be merger done to share profits and sustain businesses of organizations (Kang et al., 2020). There can also be merger done for coping with high level of competition. There can be merger and acquisition done vertically as well as horizontally (Kang et al., 2020). In case of acquisition, there can be positive intention shown by trying to sustain the business of the legally acquired organization. There can also be more market share captured by the organization acquiring the other organization (Kang et al., 2020). Slide 3: The merger has been done with a company of Saudi Arabia functioning in the retail industry like the other company. The merger is horizontal because of both the companies functioning in the same retail industry (Gupta et al., 2020). The competitive level is high between these companies in the same industry (Gupta et al., 2020). The competitive level can be made moderate and high percentage of market share can be obtained by the organizations in merger. If merger is not done, market share can be lower for each of the companies in merger. Market share can be important for every organization in merger to not let existing consistency become low (Hill et al., 2020). Slide 4: There can be all types of resources including human resources shared between organizations in merger (Gupta et al., 2020). There can be profits enhanced and shared for better growth opportunities (Gupta et al., 2020). There can be market-share gained more because of more sharing of new knowledge (Gupta et al., 2020). There can be research conducted by companies in merger to diversify types of products. There can be decrease in the cost of production because of both companies providing financial resources together (Gupta et al., 2020). Slide 5: The value proposition of some products can become destructed because of merging the values of products (Gupta et al., 2020). There can be flexibility for the employees while